Wednesday 16 July 2008

why beanjuice?

I,ve just realised my blog name could be taken the wrong way.....

I work with two guys (T and A) and we were discussing funny things people say at work. As I,m a bit of a geek I am writing down these funny comments so that if I ever leave here my farewell email will have some hilarious tit bits in it (yes, I do think ahead - I have read so many poor leaver emails, I really want to be remembered properly!) Anyway, A and T were teasing me (as boys love to do - in fact this is really their only form of interaction with other humans) for writing all these quotes down and I told them I needed them for my blog, beanjuice. Ok, so they errupt with laughter and then I realise beanjuice possibly wasn't the wisest choice of name and had somewhat rude connotations.....

The real origins of bean juice are entirely innocent. Its simply that I like the juice of baked beans but not the actual beans.

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