Monday 29 September 2008



Planned to get into work early today. I was going to go in over the weekend (as I was pretty hungover Friday) but the office scares me at the weekend. Its all quiet and eerie plus when you walk round all the lights come on automatically. I just can't help thinking of the shining and I keep expecting some little boy on a bike to appear, all in all its not overly conducive to work (plus I was ill and lazy).

So I set my alarm for 6am this morning then hit snooze about a million times and finally got up at 6.50am. Basically I therefore traded 50 minutes of proper sleep for 50 minutes of broken sleep, fab! Then I hear on the news the DLR is down so I know I,m now completely screwed as everyone who usually gets the DLR to Canary Wharf will be squeezing themselves onto the Jubilee line and yep I was correct. Oh and plus the doors decided to break so everyone was trapped on the train while the doors randomly opened and shut.

Only good thing was when I did arrive I got free Orange juice from innocent (very nice BUT noticed its full of salt? Sugar I can accept but salt, hmmm. Plus the fresh orange juice market is very competitive but I bet innocent do really well anyway. Amazing what branding can do).

To top it all off I got locked out of my email account as my password ran out on Sunday (clearly karma for not going into work at the weekend). So I phone IT and apparently I,m locked out for 15 minutes. This prompts me to swear at IT lady (well not at her but to her......). I,m waiting for the call from HR.

Outfit of the day - I,m chanel inspired today. Short black strappy dress, white long sleeve top underneath, black tights and black suede boots plus my new huge grey diamond ring (looks fab but so heavy it makes my finger sweat...)

Question of the day - shall I get a fringe. I will regret it but I,m still tempted.....

Wednesday 16 July 2008

why beanjuice?

I,ve just realised my blog name could be taken the wrong way.....

I work with two guys (T and A) and we were discussing funny things people say at work. As I,m a bit of a geek I am writing down these funny comments so that if I ever leave here my farewell email will have some hilarious tit bits in it (yes, I do think ahead - I have read so many poor leaver emails, I really want to be remembered properly!) Anyway, A and T were teasing me (as boys love to do - in fact this is really their only form of interaction with other humans) for writing all these quotes down and I told them I needed them for my blog, beanjuice. Ok, so they errupt with laughter and then I realise beanjuice possibly wasn't the wisest choice of name and had somewhat rude connotations.....

The real origins of bean juice are entirely innocent. Its simply that I like the juice of baked beans but not the actual beans.

Tuesday 15 July 2008

Why do we blog?

So I,ve got a blog.

I never thought it would happen as I have always thought why would anyone give a crap about what I have to say.

However, I,ve realized the appeal of the blog is for the writer. Everyone loves to express an opinion plus with a blog your technically a published writer and of course there is always that element that maybe your blog will become the one that everyone wants to read. There was one was one featured in The Metro about National Rail (god people love moaning about transport!) that had thousands of hits a day.

I was having a conversation with my 'media' pals the other day and we have decided that the only people that really give a dam about blogs are people in advertising. This was confirmed by my 'non advertising' friends who had never heard of twitter, blogs or user generated content. So really whats happening is that the advertising industry is being fed by the advertising industry and your consumer basically doesn't really give a dam about advertising, a lesson learned?